We have spent many years developing technology to assist with a problem that effects all ecosystems across the globe. What is it? Plastic. The very thing that makes Plasti-Block, and Omachron Plastics Inc. tick is the same problem that organizations worldwide protest against. Some may see us as part of the problem, but the truth is, if you dig deeper into the anatomy of our organization, you will find that we are allies.
The worlds plastic pollution problem is an ever timely topic in the news. The plastics industry is producing over 300 million tons of plastic every year, and National Geographic has reported that 91% of it is not recycled. Much of it ends up in our oceans,lakes, and rivers. Is it the responsibility of manufacturers to reduce their plastic production, or consumers to stop purchasing so much of it? Do we rely on governments, scientists, and nature conservationists to solve this problem? Or should we be tackling this collectively as a society, with every individual doing their part?
Our process at Omachron Plastics is energy efficient, produces no new waste, and can produce parts in virtually any size with recycled materials. We have successfully manufactured products with a mixture of post-consumer PET, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PP, PS and other miscellaneous forms of plastic material. These blocks are the first stepping stones in a long road in front of us for many products manufactured from recycled plastic including low-impact paving tiles, roofing, plastic lumber, and decks to name but a few. We are also in the process of tooling up a very exciting new innovative accessory for junior hockey, lacrosse, and a few other sports. First samples will be available soon. If you are interested, keep an eye on our blog articles for the announcement.
Our own experience has been that plastic pollution has dominated our beaches near and afar years. The most interesting thing we have seen in our home away from home is the amount of footwear that has been lost. We've all lost our mind, our head, our hair, our marbles, but our shoes? Why are we dumping these into the ocean?
Moving forward, we need corporations, individuals and groups to continue to advocate for change. More than that, we need allies, innovators, and advocates for change. We need to recycle, innovate, and improve systems to contribute to the circular economy.